What To Watch: 08/16/2021

Today might be (content-wise) the Summer-iest day of all of Summer. We’ve got ice cream, beaches, and steamy scenes–also a cartoon teen gets her braces removed.

Ben & Jerry’s: Clash of the Cones [Food, 9p]
Contestants are challenged to “capture the essence of a celebrity or pop culture icon in a new and innovative ice cream flavor,” at Ben & Jerry’s headquarters. This four-episode series is hosted by Girl Meets Farm‘s Molly Yeh (some find her divisive, I find her oddly comforting). I don’t love the theme (I don’t need a Katy Perry ice cream!) but I love ice cream, so count me in.

Bachelor in Paradise [ABC, 8p]
After taking a year off, Paradise is back! They announced the starting cast weeks ago, but it’s all about the surprise guests. There are a bunch of men from Katie’s season in the cast including Thomas (!!) who had a very dramatic exit from Katie’s season. Perhaps paradise will work out better for him? Get ready for some highly chaotic energy. 

Duncanville [Fox, 9:30p]
Quietly, Amy Poehler’s surreal slice-of-life animated family comedy has become one of the funniest around. Tonight’s episode sounds promising as Riki Lindholm’s Kimberley loses her braces while finding something else inside herself. Duncan can be funny (if a lot), but it’s truly the “ville” part that makes this series work.


  • HBO Max’s newest horny episodic is a Brazilian remake of a fairly successful French sex farce from about a decade ago. Hard tells the story of a widow who finds herself smack dab in the middle of the pornography universe after her husband dies and his secret is revealed.
  • Based on a best-selling non-fiction from Amanda Ripley, The Smartest Kids in the World follow the fortunes of four American prodigies as they roam the world and meet other exceptional young’uns. It debuts on Discovery+ today.
  • Adult Swim’s This Neurotic Person & Another Neurotic Person double-header carries on with new episodes of Tuca & Bertie and Rick & Morty. On the former, it’s Corpse Week (you fill in the blanks) and on the latter, a popular brined version of one of the titular character returns.

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