About Our Features

What to Watch

Self-explanatory. Our editors’ picks for television viewing both over-the-air and on streaming, along with a round-up of the rest of the prime prime time choices.

Box Office Weekend

Katherine’s Friday round-up of the movies being released in theaters and on streaming, with trailers to help you decide what cinematic offerings will thrill you, scare you, make you cry, or explode your sides with laughter.

Yesterday’s Best Reviewed

Jason applies our secret algorithm (and a dollop of special sauce spilled atop our remote) to the previous evening’s episode reviews on AV Club, Vulture, IGN, TV Fanatic and other fancy sites to determine what was last night’s best episode.

You Should Be Watching!

Like Louis Black with news, we scour the dial and the various services for TV shows which have fallen through the cracks for a segment we like to call … well, you see the title above!